Covid 19 and Contact-less Dog Walks – Starting the New Normal

We here at Pet Sitters Club hope you are all well and safe.  A few customers have started to ask if we can start providing walks.  Since we had already been considered an essential service and were providing contact-less visits to essential workers, we have been able to practice and refine contact-less walking procedures with our team.  We will go over the procedures with you to ensure all parties are comfortable beginning the new normal in dog walking at Pet Sitters Club.   We thank you for all your support over the past few months and we are excited to start seeing some of our old friends.

Our Contact-less Dog Walking Measures to keep Dog Walkers and Clients Safe

Dog Walkers, New York, Long Island, pet Sitters
Walkers are issued and wear masks
Walkers use protective hand gear at door entrances
Walkers are issued and use company supplied leashes
All dogs are leashed at the threshold of their home, walkers do not enter homes when clients are present
Hand Sanitizer is used in between all visits
Pet Sitters Club is supplying free tie out equipment and installation free of charge at client request
Clients may put dogs in fenced in area so that walkers can attach their leash
Walkers avoid contact with all dogs and humans while on walks.
Social distancing is adhered to at all times.
Pet Sitters Club is open to any and all suggestions and recognizes that everyone’s situation is unique. Please feel free to contact us so that we may discuss and tailor a protocol that addresses your concerns.

We look forward to hearing from you when you are ready to have us back!!!

Stay safe and healthy.

Naomi and James