Event To Benefit Animal Cancer Foundation

Event To Benefit Animal Cancer Foundation

Originally published: September 22, 2012
The Great Neck Record
Published by Anton Newspapers

Mushu, the inspiration for the event

Join Pet Sitters Club Inc. along with  Cara and James Pressler and the Animal Cancer Foundation (ACF) Board of Directors as they jointly host an evening to benefit ACF. The event will feature raffle prizes, favors and dinner. The funds raised will be used to support ACF’s mission of funding in the research, study, prevention and treatment of cancers that occur in both people and pets. The event will be held on Thursday, Oct 11 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Northport Yacht Club. Tickets are $90 per person ($44 of which is a tax deductible donation to the Animal Cancer Foundation).
The story of Cara and Mushu is one of  love, devotion and the strong bond between humans and animals. In 2010, two weeks before her wedding, Cara was diagnosed with Non~Hodgkins Lymphoma and had to endure a grueling course of treatment. Mushu and James were by her side as she recovered from her treatments and battled the disease. Just over a year later in early 2011 Mushu was sadly di­agnosed with cancer.

James and Naomi Garfinkel of Pet Sitters Club, join Cara and James and the ACF board in paying tribute to Mushu through a fundraiser in his honor. For more informa­tion about this event or to make a donation please visit https://www.petsitclub.com/acfevent/ or call 466-5617.